Thursday, December 1, 2011

Setting up the nativity

 Mein Spatz covered the table with a green cloth.
 First the stable.
Then, Jesus and his parents.
 And finally, the plants and animals.
 He then played with the scene for a while.
Making sure that all of the animals got a drink from the trough.
 And then he placed Jesus on Mary's knee for a cuddle.
 Henry then gave it his "snout of approval".
Glowing in the room at night.
It adds a sense of calm and reflection to the night.

More sharing here
Friday's Nature Table


  1. That is such a pretty nativity! What sort of light is that? I really like it.

  2. Hi Jaime,
    The light is a Himalayan Salt Tea Light Holder. It gives the room such a beautiful glow.

  3. Looks so serene, and I love the light too! Glad Henry seemed to approve of things :-)

  4. What a pretty nativity, I just love salt lamps too, such a nice glow! How cute that your dog gave it a sniff, he looks a lot like my old lab girl :)

  5. Oh, I have nativity-envy. Wait, is that wrong? Surely it is wrong. At any rate, your nativity is GORGEOUS.

