Saturday, February 12, 2011

Back to visit ........ maybe he told his friends

    Our lovely visitor  the "Christmas Koala" (Mein Spatz's name for him) came to visit again. He was very calm and appeared to know he was safe here. He even took some young, fresh gum leaves from Vati's hand and had a drink out of the red bucket (that we had outside the pool fence hoping that he/they would not have to climb over the pool fence).

Friday's Nature Table


  1. Wonderful! I will show my boys. They will love to see your visitor!

  2. Great photos! And what a special visitor to have.

  3. It is that time of year isn't it. So funny to go to magic onions to find a local!

  4. Hi!

    I have discovered your blog in "Still parenting" and I have to say that I love it!! The pictures are gorgeous!!

    We are a homeschool family from Spain blending together Steiner-montessori and many more that fit our needs.


  5. It is so lovely to get comments-thank you!
