Thursday, December 1, 2011

Setting up the nativity

 Mein Spatz covered the table with a green cloth.
 First the stable.
Then, Jesus and his parents.
 And finally, the plants and animals.
 He then played with the scene for a while.
Making sure that all of the animals got a drink from the trough.
 And then he placed Jesus on Mary's knee for a cuddle.
 Henry then gave it his "snout of approval".
Glowing in the room at night.
It adds a sense of calm and reflection to the night.

More sharing here
Friday's Nature Table

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We play

 This is Mein Spatz's playroom.
He sleeps in the family bed.
 Uncle Ben, I still love playing with this.
And small world play.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Op-Shop Wednesday

On Wednesdays, when Mein Spatz is at Kindy,
 I spend some time looking around the local charity shops...... all by is so relaxing....
I have a good eye for the best things and thought I would start to share some of my treasures here.
Firstly, a lovely bag for Summer,
that matches my hot pink Birkenstock, from Witchery $5.00
Look at the lovely contrasting lining.
A large jug, made in Portugal. $5.00
Ideal for Summer drinks..........thinking, maybe Pimm's and lemonade.
A cute little frame with a saying worth living by. $2.00
An old fashioned jelly/blancmange mould. $4.00
And a cute little silver (stamped with the blue-glass insert) salt cellar $0.99   I know.......Sh!
Finally for Mein Spatz, a boxed collection of Winnie-the-Pooh favourite stories.
75th anniversary edition $5.00
 More next week.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lemon Butter

 I am feeling very full of myself this evening.
I made my first batch of lemon butter.
Here is the recipe

I think , if I can get my hands on enough free lemons, this will be our home-made gifting for Christmas.
So......... hands up if you are in Adelaide and have lemons on your tree.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Right on our door-step

This is Carrick Hill 
A wonderful place to visit all year round.
Sometimes it is so quiet that I pretend it is mine-

"One shall take Gin and tonic on the lawn". 
"Who is up for a round of croquet?" 

 The terrace is made for rolling.
Do come and visit one day.   

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Mein Spatz had his friend Miss S around for dinner and a play.
Miss S loves dressing up and performing. 
They dressed up and danced to German Beer Hall Music.
Miss S is a great balance for Mein Spatz.
He can be very grounded and serious she lightens him and gives him support to fly.
Just what friends are for. 


Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grandma, this is for you.


"I love you Grandma. I love you more than yesterday and this is the first time I did love you more than yesterday. I love you 100 more than yesterday. Finished!"

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It is for you, Uncle Ben.

VGHJUHGVCFVGBNMJHGWEQERTGYH UII NMHUJUIOPOIJKN"Kisses for you, Uncle Ben. The way I send them to Grandma".

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rewards? Please watch and apply to a child near you.

 Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation

Sunday, September 25, 2011

From the lense of Mein Spatz

Mein Spatz loves to take photographs on my very old Kodak DX3700.
I think some of his shots are very artistic and they are a window into the thing around our home that interest him.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer in Germany

We are in Germany visiting Vati's family.
The weather has been ordinary - to say the least.
 We have been on a caravan holiday for a week at the Baltic sea in stormy weather.
We are the proud owners of our own set of wheels - and did I tell you it has a sun roof.
Mein Spatz loves it.
 With a rabbit outside our caravan door - every evening.
Picking red currants by the road, down a country lane.
Asparagus in the fields.